Lena. Dancing.

A blog about…well, dancing.


My name is Jelena and I live, work and dance in Vienna, Austria. I have moved around quite a bit, enough to call the world my home. I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina (at the time Yugoslavia), moved to the United States at the age of 13 and traveled here and there before finding myself in Vienna.

I am a Zumba instructor (amongst other things like: an enviable procrastinator, a mediocre cook, an office manager, a relatively decent Frisbee thrower) and this blog has to do with why I find Zumba so fun.

The blog is also about Vienna, the city that I now call my “headquarters”. It was to be a temporary stop but four years later I am still here and putting down roots. My “grounding” habits are, however, strange and the soils in which I tend to plant myself unpredictable. So who knows? Where next? Schau ma mal…In the meantime, however, stay a while… here.

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